Saturday, September 25, 2010


I am still trying to figure out what my topic is going to be.  I really don't have a particular interest in a certain time frame or part of History.  In general, I like history but their isn't anything in particular.  My grandparents are from the Netherlands and were there during the WWII era, so I was thinking that maybe it would be best for me to do something like that.  But I still have no idea.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


  1. Hey, this is random and doesn't relate to the Netherlands or WWII, but Jerome, AZ is a really awesome abandoned mining town. I thought about using that as my topic, it has a pretty cool history. Now it's a ghost town and only has a population of like 450 people. I lived in AZ for the past 3 or so years and it is legit one of my favorite places in the state.

    I figured I would throw it your way and you can look into it if you want!

    Hope you have luck finding a topic that is interesting to you!

  2. Hey, well if you do end up doing the Dutch community in GR let me know, cuz I probably have a few of the books that you'll need. Good Luck!

  3. Also feel free to come and talk to me during office hours. I may be able to help out.

    You might want to think about writing about a community where soccer played an influential role - it might be of personal interest to you.
